Sunday 21 May 2017

Catching bees with Bait Hives

However much a bee keeper tries to prevent his colonies swarming,by doing an artificial swarm, regular adding of supers, removing queen cells etc,  its almost bound to happen and half of the colony disappears over the horizon,
However this can be an opportunity as well as you can collect these swarms from the various places they decide to stop at.
A bee keeper can put out bait boxes and try to attract swarms to the box. To help the process you should try to make the box as 'bee-y' as possible and put a couple of old smelly frames in the box and  smear wax around the inside.
When bees have found their new home some bees will be outside excreting a pheromone. The bee sticks its bum in the air, excretes the pheromone from it  and spreads it by fanning it with their wings. The pheromone tells the other bees 'this is our new home come inside'

This pheromone, known as the Nasonov pheromone, can be synthesised and is sold in phials or swabs.
It is put near the entrance to the bait hive to try and attract the swarm.It has a lemony smell and lemon grass oil can also be used.

At the moment I have two bait hives, one at each apiary.
When I checked them the Ravensden one needed some repairs and the Scald End one was home to a birds nest with some chicks!

I will have one at both ends of both apiaries that could either catch swarms from my hives or other passing swarms.
They are not sophisticated things, the most important aspect is there's plenty of open space and 40ltrs is considered suitable. I make them out of pallets I scrounge from the local farmer.

They are put in trees or along hedgerows.

I would like to have a swarm in my top bar hive.

The problem is the frames that fit 'normal' hives don't fit the TBH so I have made a bait hive with frames that are suitable for easy transfer between the bait box and the hive.

Finally, the swarm I caught at Scald End and took to Ravensden continues to thrive.
I had a quick look this morning and the frames are virtually full.
I will take it back to Scald End early next week and put it in its new home.

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