Wednesday 25 April 2018

See the bees

From time to time I am asked about bee keeping and I advise people to 'try before you buy.'.
Bee keeping is more expensive, more time consuming and more physical than people expect so I think it a good idea to have a trial go before you commit yourself.
The Bedfordshire Beekeeping Association have apiaries in Bedford and Luton where potential bee keepers can see what goes on with the guidance of an experienced bee keeper.

Often people are interested in the bees without necessarily wanting to take up bee keeping and I offer a visit to one of my apiaries where they can have a look round and handle the bees.
Recently I met someone at Bromham Market who is interested in wildlife photography and wanted to photograph some bees. We are arranging a date for him to come to Ravensden to take some photographs and hopefully these can be put in a blog.

The season is now fully underway and if anyone is interested in visiting my apiaries let me know.
I have a leaflet about this that can be downloaded from here.

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Facebook is merely somewhere where the blog is published and I don't look at Facebook or get Facebook notifications.

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