Monday 27 August 2018

Strawberry Grove Growers

At first I thought it was rather fun selling honey and other things at farmers markets and did every one I was invited to.
However as time went on I became less and less interested in them - I did 51 in 2015, 31 in 2016 and 20 last year. This year it will be a maximum of 12.
One of the problems with them is that I think they distract me from what I am really interested in, which is the bees and the preparation, set up and taking down after the event are a pain in the bum.

Although I take, for me, a lot of money at big events like  Bromham and Kempston fairs and the Beds Young Farmers Rally, the markets aren't an income source and just fund what I need for the bees, although they don't even do that completely.
If the Inland Revenue are reading this, yes I have made a loss every year.
So I now only do the monthly market at Bromham Mill and the quarterly market at Potton which are nice friendly markets where I have lots of regulars I know and chat with, and the very occasional small one off event.

A couple of months ago I was contacted by someone who had apparently met me at Bromham and asked if I would come along to her Open Day.
Before committing myself I had a look at their web site and, putting aside my dislike of Facebook, their Facebook page.I  didn't want to make a hasty decision so I then carefully considered whether or not I would go, taking into account a wide range of considerations and factors and after 0.001 of a nanosecond decided I would. Hell, yes!

It was a great day and I really enjoyed it, the photos on their Facebook page give a good idea of what the day was like and what is happening at Strawberry Grove.
As well as fruit and vegetables, Fliss and Sam also have some goats and chickens and are planning to get some pigs and turkeys for Christmas,
Chatting with them throughout the day it seems they are also interested in having some .........can you guess?

I met them again and have agreed that we will aim to have two hives for next Summer.
Rather than rely on me getting some swarms, which can be an unreliable source and also means no honey until the following year, I will move one of my colonies there and we will also get what is called an over wintered nuc which is a small colony created this year that gets through the winter and will [hopefully] produces honey next Summer.
All being well Fliss and Sam will be able to offer Strawberry Grove honey for their customers next year.
We have sorted out a site for the bees which is very 'Ravensden'ish' in that it is secluded and surrounded by trees. It's lovely.
I already have some of the equipment needed and over the coming months will start to set things up,

Strawberry Grove is a community based project and local people can come to the Grove to get involved and the same thing could be done with the bees. It could be an opportunity for people to help look after the bees or just find out a bit more about them.

Sam and Fliss sell wonderful veg boxes that are a combination of the usual and the unusual.

I am trying purple carrots. Yes, purple.

I suggested that perhaps I could take a few boxes to Bromham market to sell and gauge the interest. Its possible I could deliver them to the Bedford area.

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