Thursday 28 March 2019

Spring Bee Feeding

The last blog about the WBC was a draft and shouldn't have been published - sorry!!!

The weather improves but there still a need to take care of the bees.
The bees are becoming more active and the queen is starting to lay again. There will be a huge increase in the population of the colony and the risk is that there will be insufficient forage to support the increasing number of mouths to feed and the colony could fail.
This happened to one of my colonies last year.

So the food available to the bees still needs to be monitored.
In winter the bees cannot fly and get out of the hive so dysentery is a risk if they are fed something with too high a water content so are fed with baker's fondant.
 In spring they are fed a syrup solution of 1lb sugar to 1 pint of water.

Click the button to see the video.

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