Monday 9 October 2017

Propolis - a follow up

When I was first mucking about with propolis a fellow bee keeper told me he had come across propolis toothpaste. We both thought it a bit odd as propolis stains things brown.
Today on a bee keeping forum thread about propolis it appears that such a thing exists, albeit in Singapore.
Out of curiosity I Googled 'propolis toothpaste' and perhaps predictably found Holland Barrett sell the 'great tasting' toothpaste here.

Comvita are a New Zealand company who sponsored the initial research into Manuka honey so I wouldn't  be surprised if one day they sold Manuka toothpaste which will cost £50 a tube.
The 'About Us' section on their website is nearly as deranged and stuffed full of New Age hippy nonsense as the Egyptian Magic site.

So another use for propolis but before you ask, no I won't make it.

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