Friday 21 September 2018

Autumn Varroa treatment

There is something on the web site here about the varroa mite, and its not nice reading.
Varroa is a fact of life and like Jeremy Clarkson its not funny, unfortunately cannot be got rid of and so has to be tolerated.
Although it cannot be erased a bee keeper should take steps to try and keep the mite to a 'tolerable' level.
Normally this is done in the Autumn once the honey has been taken off as some treatments can taint the honey.

Its generally thought to be good practice to rotate treatments to prevent bees building up a resistance to a particular treatment and this year I have treated the Scald End bees with Apiguard and the Ravensden bees with Apivar.
I will reverse this next year.

Someone has done the Stevington bees for me but I don't know what they used.
Click the button to see the video

In December the next treatment will be done with oxalic acid.

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