Thursday 6 September 2018

It's time to stop

When we started bee keeping we only intended having a couple of hives at the end of our garden and the honey the bees produced was given away.
However as my family well know I have an obsessive streak and can become over involved in things and then move on to something else - wind surfing, bird watching, crashing model aeroplanes, fishing, motor bikes, shooting, dinghy sailing, to name but a few.

A few years ago a series of random unplanned events, coupled with my obsessive streak, meant I found my life being taken over by bees.
I became involved with Farmer's markets, started giving talks on bees, collecting swarms and all the while the number of hives I had increased as did the time I spent on looking after them. Bee keeping is hard work and I'm old.

I outgrew Ravensden and took on Scald End and recently things have escalated further.
I am helping someone who is starting up a honey production business and am mentoring someone who is taking up bee keeping.
I also am setting up an apiary at Strawberry Grove in Cambridge about which I have done a blog and have just agreed to look after bees at Stevington Manor. [more of which later].

Over the last few years as the bee obsession grew, from time to time Sue would say to me 'Is that enough now?' 'Not sure' I would reply and we both knew that meant 'No'.
However after the Stevington thing was confirmed, I officially announced that this was it. No more bees, I have enough. N more bee related projects.Enough. It must stop.

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