Wednesday 20 February 2019

The Warre Hive - Part 5- Making the quilt and feeder

The quilt is an unusual feature of the Warre Hive and its just a box that sits on top of the brood boxes.
The purpose of the quilt box is to insulate the top of the hive during cold weather, which helps the bees stay warm and, more importantly, prevents water vapour from condensing into water droplets at the top of the hive and then dripping onto the bee cluster.

There are three ways of populating a hive - buy a full colony, split an existing colony or get a swarm.
Because the Warre hive is a different size to my other hives its easier [and cheaper!] to get a swarm.
New swarms will need feeding to help it build up but in the plans I am using there is no mention of a feeder.
In Warre's book 'Beekeeping for all' [which I don't have] there are plans for one but I am going to make something simpler.
Click the button to watch the video.

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