Tuesday 12 February 2019

Winter Oxalic acid treatment

One of the main problems facing honey bees is the varroa mite. It originated in Asia and has spread across the world.
It can weaken a colony to the point where it eventually dies but there is no silver bullet that can deal with it and a bee keeper can only try to control the levels of the mite in a hive.
Usually this is done in Autumn and winter.
The winter treatment involves using oxalic acid which is effective in reducing the mites but it is corrosive and kills any bee brood in the hive. Therefore it is administered after the queen has stopped laying.
The acid can be administered in liquid form by using a syringe but I prefer using what is called a vapouriser,

Click the button to see how it is administered.

1 comment:

  1. Hi,
    Have you come across the VSH* trait in honeybees? Take a look at https://www.beekeeping.isgood.ca/tag/hygienic-behaviour
    *VHS = varroa-specific hygiene
