Monday 15 April 2019

Bee afraid, bee very afraid.

A sense of fear fills the air.
Birds stop singing.
The temperature drops and clouds fill the sky.
Dogs howl at an unseen menace.
A nameless dread chills the soul.
People don't dare leave home.

Yes it's that time again.

The time millions of crazed, blood thirsty insects roam the countryside looking for small children, puppies and old age pensioners to terrorise.

The time when the Great British Press demonstrate their outstanding journalistic standards and start thoughtful, informative debates with headlines like this:-

The time when local newspapers produce articles about how a heroic local bee keeper saves their terrified community from certain destruction.

An alternative view would be to say it's the time of year when, as they have done for millions of years, honey bees swarm to try and maintain their population and far from being dangerous, they are at their calmest and pose no threat to anybody.
Even Daily Star readers.

The warm weather has meant that the swarming season may start earlier this year.

To download a leaflet about what to do if you have a swarm click here

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