Wednesday 24 April 2019

Varroa - catching and counting them

Varroa are nasty little beasties. They eat the body fats of bees that weakens them and they spread diseases like Deformed Wing Virus.
If untreated they can kill a colony.
There's no way of completely eradicating them but bee keepers use various methods to try and keep the mites in check.

I treat for the mites twice a year, once in the Autumn and again in December/January time.

Its recommended that a beek should monitor mite levels in a hive so if they start to increase steps can be taken before things get too far advanced.

I do check my bees for mites but I will admit I don't do it regularly enough.
However this year I am going to try to be more methodical and check the mite levels on a [fairly] regular basis.

As with all bee related activities there are numerous methods of doing this and the way I do it is to use what are known as sticky boards.

Click the button to see the video.
However this year I intend doing it monthly.

Click the button to see the video.

I will do another blog about the results  and what happens next.

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