Wednesday 19 June 2019

Strawberry Grove Honey

Nearly a year ago I was asked by Fliss and Sam if I would attend an Open Day they were running on their farm in Granesden.
I did a blog about it here.

The nuc was installed and was joined by a colony I transferred from Scald End.
In the previous blog I said:-
'All being well Fliss and Sam will be able to offer Strawberry Grove honey for their customers next year.'
I didn't have too high expectations for the nuc and expected the other colony to produce the goods. However being the perverse creatures they are, the nuc has flourished and produced the first Strawberry Grove honey.
The honey has been extracted  - click the button to see how this was done.

We expect the other colony to produce a super of honey very soon.

1 comment:

  1. Brings back happy memories - the Head of Science at my first teaching school kept half a dozen hives on site and in my first summer holiday I helped him extract the honey - hand-cranked extractor, though! Made several bottles of mead with some of my share of the honey...
